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[ music ]


Cover Art


[ dev | corap ]

Apart from a few minor glitches (which have been fixed) the scraper and scheduler runs fine. The frontend is also coming along nicely, needs a few more pages and then the CSS. And I also need to figure out how to load a dynamic amount of columns from a materialized view, shouldn’t be to hard but I want to make it fault tolerant. I don’t know what I want to do regarding design. But I know some body that maybe wants to help me, fingers crossed.


[ music | hardcore ]


Cover Art


[ dev | corap ]

Python (scraper) rewrite is done. Almost no dependencies now. Reduced the Docker image from 1.2 GB to less then 100MB. Feels a lot better to update and modify to. Now time for the fronted webserver.



[ dev | corap | database ]

The amount of cursed SQL that I am writing just to keep it in pure SQL. It would be way faster to just make the query in Python. Anyway… Corap rewrite is coming along nicely.

DO $$
    cols text;
    query text;
    SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(name) || ' text', ', ')
    INTO cols
    FROM (
        SELECT name
        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT name, priority FROM device_analyses) AS o
        ORDER BY priority DESC
    ) AS o;
        EXECUTE 'DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS device_analysis_summary';
        query := format('
            CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW device_analysis_summary AS
            SELECT *
            FROM crosstab(
                ''SELECT d.deveui,, da.value
                FROM devices d
                LEFT JOIN device_analyses da ON d.deveui = da.device_id
                ORDER BY d.deveui,'',
                ''SELECT name
                FROM (SELECT DISTINCT name, priority FROM device_analyses) AS o
                ORDER BY priority DESC''
            ) AS ct(deveui text, %s);
        ', cols);
        EXECUTE query;
            RAISE NOTICE 'Error creating materialized view: %', SQLERRM;
END $$;


[ music | techno ]

Brussels based proto-techno

Cover Art


[ dev | corap ]

Time to rewrite Corap finally, starting with the scheduler. The current docker images is more then 1 GB. Going to remove a lot of dependencies. Also going to rewrite the fronted, learned a lot about Golang sins starting that project.


[ photography ]
sqr_dump_1_1 sqr_dump_1_2 sqr_dump_1_3 sqr_dump_1_4

sqr_dump_2!! Found some nice older photo’s while making backups. Wasn’t soon-ish like I said but soon enough.


[ music | hiphop ]

Please forgive because I have zyned, and will zyn again

Cover Art


New logo dropped!!


[ golang ]

Templ is now a recognized language on GitHub. Lets fucking Gooooo. Still the best HTML templating langue I have used. Django is also pretty good though, but not as good or as fast.

temple github screenshot


[ mb_dev ]

So… this regex broke my site… Because it is a ‘Youtube URL’ but is has no ID so it breaks things and panics. I should really learn regex. But not now, hotfix for the win.

faulty regex screenshot


[ music | core ]


Cover Art

I like how all this artists cover arts are different levels of deranged.


[ dev | rant ]

I am officially done with ORM’s. My latest experiment was ent, a code gen based ORM for Golang. Works fine, I like the API, and then you want to do something slightly complex and it just doesn’t work. I wanted a many to many with extra data in the join table, so for so good, this did work. Until I wanted to make it not unique. I needed this because I wanted to add one track multiple times to a playlist, in my current project. But this was not allowed, the codegen would not build. Other people have the same issue but no solution is known. So my solution is to rewrite my code again, this time with pgx. I also have tried and used sqlc in some projects but it won’t scale for my current project. But I do like it a lot for smaller projects, like this blog uses it for example.

I have tried a lot of ORM’s over the year but I am finally done, not a chance. They are cool great until they are not, then they are just a pain.


[ photography ]
sqr_dump_1_1 sqr_dump_1_2 sqr_dump_1_3 sqr_dump_1_4

I have taken a liking to square photo recently. All photo are quickly taken in the moment (with a shitty phone) and later edited and reframed. Just don’t look to close.

More to come, soon-ish.


[ music | dark_trap ]

Not a sound from the crowd when the heat come

Cover Art


[ webdev ]

Spent the last 2 weeks scraping supermarkets for a vacation job and the average website is hot garbage. One website pulled the location data of all stores in all countries (1000+ stores) to show 1 marker on a small map. The other had over 50 deep HTML elements. Not to speak of all the badly formatted data that I had to parse (including invalid JSON). Just when you think you’ve seen it all they come up with some more BS. I am going to explode.


[ music | dark_trap ]

New album dropped!!

The Distortion That Creates Them - Istasha

Cover Art


[ webdev | rant ]

Write your own auth!!

Everybody should write there own authentication at least once. I am currently writing a session based authentication system for one of my upcoming projects. It forced me to learn all parts of system. And once you’ve done it, authentication is no longer as scary and complicated as it might otherwise seem. Yes, it could be a vulnerability, but so can many things in your application.


[ photography ]

This photo was taken with Open Camera and has not been edited in any way (except cropping). Open Camera uses almost no post-processing, this in combination with the worst settings you can imagine (max ISO, min shutter speed etc.) can give some funky effects. Also, I made my own LED driver and it shows.

Glitchy picture of a laptop


[ webdev ]

Finally updated my personal website/blog, It is finally in a state that I don’t hate. I Rewrote it in Zola, before that is was written in Hugo. Both are static site generators but after trying both I preferer Zola. It is simpler but still feels more powerful, not to mention that it is written in Rust.

I am currently happy with both the layout and the content. I don’t think I will change the layout much in the future. I do want to add some more longer blogs. We’ll see if I actually do it.


A bit late but happy pride.

non binary pride poster

Credit: Mx. Morgan


[ music | electro_swing ]

Parov Stelar is absolutely timeless.

Cover Art

The whole album is great, especially part 1.


[ c | lisp | BYOWL ]

Finished the Build Your Own Lisp book and already added some extra features. There are still lots of extra’s I want to add to the langue. I also really need to add some docs and examples, and maybe even tests.

The language is quite capable especially with the prelude that is embedded into to it. It even has things like switch statements, completely implemented in lzp. Lisps are really programmable programming languages.

(fun {day-name x} {
  case x
    {0 "Monday"}
    {1 "Tuesday"}
    {2 "Wednesday"}
    {3 "Thursday"}
    {4 "Friday"}
    {5 "Saturday"}
    {6 "Sunday"}
(print (day-name 4))

> "Friday" 


[ music | hyperpop ]

Apparently hyperpop is quite big in France

Cover Art

J’ai des traces sur le corps, qui sait?