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[ dev | rant ]

I am officially done with ORM’s. My latest experiment was ent, a code gen based ORM for Golang. Works fine, I like the API, and then you want to do something slightly complex and it just doesn’t work. I wanted a many to many with extra data in the join table, so for so good, this did work. Until I wanted to make it not unique. I needed this because I wanted to add one track multiple times to a playlist, in my current project. But this was not allowed, the codegen would not build. Other people have the same issue but no solution is known. So my solution is to rewrite my code again, this time with pgx. I also have tried and used sqlc in some projects but it won’t scale for my current project. But I do like it a lot for smaller projects, like this blog uses it for example.

I have tried a lot of ORM’s over the year but I am finally done, not a chance. They are cool great until they are not, then they are just a pain.


[ webdev | rant ]

Write your own auth!!

Everybody should write there own authentication at least once. I am currently writing a session based authentication system for one of my upcoming projects. It forced me to learn all parts of system. And once you’ve done it, authentication is no longer as scary and complicated as it might otherwise seem. Yes, it could be a vulnerability, but so can many things in your application.


[ rant ]

simple != easy

Golang is simple, which means that its easy to understand.

Running a marathon is simple; you just keep running. But nobody would call it easy.

So why do people call Python easy and simple? Things only seem simple until you need to do something complex. Then the complexity starts to compound.

People need to take complexity more into account when choosing a technology. The amount of magic that is happening always has a cost. You just need to consider if you will pay that cost for a certain project or if you will never run into the downside.

Simple things are not always better, to be clear. But they have their place, and recently I am leaning more towards simpler solutions. They may require more work, but at least I know that I understand most of the things that are happening.