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[ music ]


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[ dev | corap ]

Apart from a few minor glitches (which have been fixed) the scraper and scheduler runs fine. The frontend is also coming along nicely, needs a few more pages and then the CSS. And I also need to figure out how to load a dynamic amount of columns from a materialized view, shouldn’t be to hard but I want to make it fault tolerant. I don’t know what I want to do regarding design. But I know some body that maybe wants to help me, fingers crossed.


[ music | hardcore ]


Cover Art


[ dev | corap ]

Python (scraper) rewrite is done. Almost no dependencies now. Reduced the Docker image from 1.2 GB to less then 100MB. Feels a lot better to update and modify to. Now time for the fronted webserver.



[ dev | corap | database ]

The amount of cursed SQL that I am writing just to keep it in pure SQL. It would be way faster to just make the query in Python. Anyway… Corap rewrite is coming along nicely.

DO $$
    cols text;
    query text;
    SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(name) || ' text', ', ')
    INTO cols
    FROM (
        SELECT name
        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT name, priority FROM device_analyses) AS o
        ORDER BY priority DESC
    ) AS o;
        EXECUTE 'DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS device_analysis_summary';
        query := format('
            CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW device_analysis_summary AS
            SELECT *
            FROM crosstab(
                ''SELECT d.deveui,, da.value
                FROM devices d
                LEFT JOIN device_analyses da ON d.deveui = da.device_id
                ORDER BY d.deveui,'',
                ''SELECT name
                FROM (SELECT DISTINCT name, priority FROM device_analyses) AS o
                ORDER BY priority DESC''
            ) AS ct(deveui text, %s);
        ', cols);
        EXECUTE query;
            RAISE NOTICE 'Error creating materialized view: %', SQLERRM;
END $$;


[ music | techno ]

Brussels based proto-techno

Cover Art


[ dev | corap ]

Time to rewrite Corap finally, starting with the scheduler. The current docker images is more then 1 GB. Going to remove a lot of dependencies. Also going to rewrite the fronted, learned a lot about Golang sins starting that project.


[ music | hiphop ]

Please forgive because I have zyned, and will zyn again

Cover Art


[ music | core ]


Cover Art

I like how all this artists cover arts are different levels of deranged.


[ music | dark_trap ]

Not a sound from the crowd when the heat come

Cover Art


[ music | dark_trap ]

New album dropped!!

The Distortion That Creates Them - Istasha

Cover Art


[ music | electro_swing ]

Parov Stelar is absolutely timeless.

Cover Art

The whole album is great, especially part 1.


[ c | lisp | BYOWL ]

Finished the Build Your Own Lisp book and already added some extra features. There are still lots of extra’s I want to add to the langue. I also really need to add some docs and examples, and maybe even tests.

The language is quite capable especially with the prelude that is embedded into to it. It even has things like switch statements, completely implemented in lzp. Lisps are really programmable programming languages.

(fun {day-name x} {
  case x
    {0 "Monday"}
    {1 "Tuesday"}
    {2 "Wednesday"}
    {3 "Thursday"}
    {4 "Friday"}
    {5 "Saturday"}
    {6 "Sunday"}
(print (day-name 4))

> "Friday" 


[ music | hyperpop ]

Apparently hyperpop is quite big in France

Cover Art

J’ai des traces sur le corps, qui sait?


[ c | lisp | BYOWL ]

Just finished chapter 13, which added flow control. Recursive functions are now possible like one that calculates the Fibonacci sequence. It is not that fast, even compared to Python but at least it works.

lzp> def {fib} (\ {n} {if (<= n 1) {n} {+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))}})
lzp> fib 25


[ c | lisp | BYOWL ]

Almost done with chapter 11 of Build Your Own Lisp and I have finally variables (that are immutable actually) and you can do some funky stuff with them. This is maybe very basic for any lisp but I have never used a lisp.

lzp> def {arglist} {a b x y}
lzp> arglist
{a b x y}
lzp> def arglist 1 2 3 4
lzp> list a b x y
{1 2 3 4}


[ music | selfhosted ]

Another reason to host your own music, sometimes albums on Spotify are just missing a track. Like the example below from Crystal Castles. If you self-host it with Navidrome, for example, you can put whatever you want on it, whether it has been removed for legal reasons (often sample licensing) or it is unreleased. Very annoying when Spotify doesn’t even tell you that a track is missing, especially when they are such bangers.

Kept by Crystal Castles on Amnesty (I)

Side note. A great feature of Navidrome, I could just download this track with the format and bitrate I want, 320kbps mp3 in this case. De server just transcodes it on the fly for smaller download sizes. I have this track in FLAC but that file is more then 30MB, way to much to post here.


[ music ]

I am try a new thing for my music. Making a playlist of 50 tracks each month. I hope this will be better organized the my current setup. I am still planning on automating music sorting with AI though. Shout out to ii* for the idea.

spotify playlist sceenshot


[ c | lisp | BYOWL ]

Finally learning some C. I am following Build Your Own Lisp by Daniel Holden. The final code should only be about 1000 lines so it’s a small project but still a great way to learn C. I’m only on chapter 7 of 16, but so far I’d recommend it.


[ music | core ]

To many “breakcore” songs sound the same, and use the same samples, with the same kind of chops. Same Same Same. The market is over oversaturated.

Breakcore is also a hard to define genre, especial with the new wave of breakcore that is most of the time just DnB. That is also why I use the label ‘core’ on this blog, for me it is a more inclusive label. That way I don’t mislabel tracks but I can still group them by the breakbeat vibe.

It know that the term ‘core’ doesn’t mean anything and that there are a lot of genres ending in ‘core’, but it makes sense in my head and this is my blog. Maybe ‘breakbeat’ would be a better label now I think about it. Ah, it is what it is and I am not going to change it.

Finally something different.

Cover Art

Cover Art


[ music | drain ]

New Bladee album (Cold Visions) is bad, nothing new. More trap style beats, now he just sounds like hyperpop X 83HADES. I’m not going to waste any more words on it.

Cover Art


[ music | hardcore ]

Hmmmmm yes, sounds

Cover Art


[ music | electro ]

People are sleeping on WHIPPED CREAM.

Jasiah’s vocal…

Cover Art

Cover Art


[ cover_art ]



cover art PAIN IS GOOD - 1 800 PAIN


[ music | core ]

…Because I’m Young Arrogant and Hate Everything You Stand For

love the album title

Cover Art